Work collaborating on a project with others, it is important that every sound in a project is shared . Maschine makes this process really simple. With your project open, go to the File menu. Instead of pressing Save or Export Audio like you normally would, press Save project with Samples. A popup will appear that gives you two options. The first is where you want the project to be saved to. The second will determine whether or not Maschine will include any unused audio files that may be taking up extra hard drive space. When you’re ready, click Save.

When you save a project with samples, the sound files that you use will be copied to a folder in the same location as your project file. Their new location will be updated in the project, so even if you delete the samples in the project folder, you won’t be deleting the originals from your Maschine library.

If you want to share just a portion of your project, I’d suggest doing the same process, but with a group instead. Right click on the group that you want to share and select Save with Samples. A window will pop up with the same options that you saw earlier. Choose a location for the group that you want to share and then click Save. Now you can easily send your Mschine kit or project to a friend and not worry about missing sounds.

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Maschine comes in three flavors – Maschine MK2, Maschine Mikro MK2, and iMaschine – and is a combination of hardware and software. When used together, the hardware gives you unparallelled control over the software. You can use Maschine whether you’re a DJ or producer, in the studio or the club, with the software or as a MIDI controller.

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